Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Year In Review

2013…. What can I say…. this year has brought many ups and many downs but I will say this year I learned a lot about myself in every way, shape, and form. I realized in life the most important thing is to focus on your happiness and joy…. When you do that the world becomes a better place for you, and the people around you. I learned family and friendships are the most important aspects of life without either one you aren’t really living. I think most importantly, I learned that life has a way of throwing you curve balls and it’s up to you to shape and mold those curve balls into what you want them to be. You have to make yourself happy at all costs. I’ve learned what it is to truly love wholeheartedly and to be loved and I am forever grateful for that. I’ve learned some things no matter how hard you want them to work won’t… but it’s all a part of the plan God has for you, that you must keep trusting in Him because He knows what’s best.  Lastly, 2013 has taught me the value of truly living, appreciating life and appreciating the people God puts in your life. Thank you 2013 for all the lessons you have taught me, some hard and some easy. I look forward to another year, of health, wealth (who doesn’t want lots of that lol) and tons of happiness.


Unknown said...

There's random moments throughout the week where I find myself browsing your posts. Something about a mix between well put together outfits and inspirational messages can consume me. I had to comment on this post because everything you said described my 2013 and my feelings towards it. This was the year I decided to live by faith; become better at being thankful for achievements as well as struggles and finding a positive in every situation presented. Struggle grants balance. You not only learn from it, but it helps you to appreciate all parts of life. Each day for me now is about showing love to loved ones and strangers and living, knowing that life will only get better no matter what type of pitch is served. It's all what you make out of it.

I'm someone who has grown to like fashion more and more everyday. Whenever I have something to wear along with a haircut I'm ready to go out and experience something. Good outfits bring me great days. You look good, you feel good, you do well. I love your passion and dedication. Only success comes from that...

Happy New Year and God Bless!

(middle pic, 19th row...speechless)

Diva Style said...

Such inspiring style! WERK, girl!