Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Do It Yourself: Easy Guide To A Hi-Low

Last week marked the start of DC Fashion Week and I as I rummaged through my closet I just couldn't find ANYTHING to wear. So I sat in my closet for a good 40 minutes just trying to find something different and unique to wear but still couldn't find it. So I gave up hope, just as soon as I turned my bedroom lights off, pulled the sheets back and climbed in my bed IT HIT ME. Why don't I create my own look. I didn't know exactly what I would create but I pulled out this vintage dress I picked up a few months back and started playing around. I decided to create a hi-low piece. Check out how I did it!

What you'll need:
old long dress
shoulder pads
hot glue gun

1. So for starters take your dress and cut out a large curve in the front. Remember to measure the length before cutting just to make sure the high part is not too high.

2. The dress should look like this after cutting.

3. Then warm up your hot glue. Please be careful not to burn yourself and allow the glue to get very hot.

4. Now turn you dress inside out so you can get ready to start gluing the jagged edges created by the cut.

5. Fold the fabric inward to create the hem and glue the fabric down or you can stitch it I just wanted a quick fix. Then let the hem cool off for about 5 minutes.

6. Once the fabric has cooled off and you have an even hem all around the dress. Do a one knot stitch or glue the pad inside the shoulder part of your dress.

7. Now wait about 5 minutes and your dress is ready to wear.

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